Dura queja de los comerciantes de la ciudad por las ventas informales

Ventas informales
Jueves 14 de Diciembre de 2017


Malestar y preocupación manifestaron comerciantes del centro bahiense y otros cnetros comerciales barriales debido a la gran cantidad de vendedores ambulantes, a los cuales denuncian por competencia desleal, así como a las ferias, ventas de garage y online, nuevas modalidades de comercio en negro.

El presidente de la Cámara del Comercio, Martín Garmendia, dijo a “La Nueva” que hay alrededor de 200 vendedores ambulantes en la zona céntrica, muchos de los cuales ofrecen la misma mercadería que aquellos que pagan sus impuestos y entregan boletas.

“Según la ordenanza no deben trabajar más de 50 y sabemos que, de esa cifra, solo 20 poseen su permiso. Los organismos con los cuales nos hemos reunido se comprometieron a trabajar, pero sabemos que frente a una inspección, a las pocas horas los vendedores están de nuevo en el mismo lugar” se quejó.

“El municipio debe tomar la posta y hacerse definitivamente cargo de esto. En función de los inspectores” Añadió Garmendia, para señalar, como agravante, cuando los transeúntes observan inspecciones o clausuras, suelen ponerse del lado de los vendedores informales.

“Queremos decirle a la gente que pagamos nuestros impuestos, que defender la legalidad es lo más justo. Seguramente mucha gente tiene comerciantes en su entorno y saben lo que significa hacer frente a todos los compromisos con el Estado, tener todo en regla y ser sustento del hogar” advirtió.

Para Garmendia, los ambulantes no son los únicos que representan una desleal competencia, sino que el “abanico” se abrió en los últimos tiempos con las ventas de garage, en domicilios particulares, clubes o sociedades de fomento.


12pt]aRIA Currency - a Super Fast, peer 2 peer Electronic Cash System with a very low transaction fee. Be your own bank with full control of your digital assets. Or just hold for passive income.


Block Time
A new block can be completed in 60 seconds, making it more than 10 times faster than Bitcoin and much cheaper on gas than Ethereum. An exponential difficulty adjustment algorithm is used, leading to more predictability and less spikes in block times.

Cold Stake Delegating
It allows the creation of staking pools where users don’t need to find a block to get rewarded. The pool operator collects all the rewards, subtracts his fee, and then redistributes the remaining part across all stakers, percentually based on the amount of delegated coins. This prevents centralization which might happen once aRIA price goes up, and ensures further network decentralization, allowing the small stakers/investors to receive staking rewards on a daily basis to their mobile wallets for daily spending, while their staking coins are being safely stored on a hardware or offline wallet. (Cold Staking has now been implemented as of March 20 2022.)

Advanced Qt wallets
aRIA Full Node QT Core Wallets are available in Windows, Linux and iOS. In the near future, we will development mobile apps and web based wallets that you will be able to use for instant retail transactions and exchanging your currency.

Always Up to Date
New features and fixes are continuously developed by the Bitcoin community and aRIA will be merged with those so that development will be in sync for life.

Block Rewards
The current Block Reward is 0.35 RIA / block. The last block will be at 27,142,858 in about the year 2071.

Improved P2P and POS
More stable, faster, less network bloat, reduced redundancy, and less resource consumption than Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.

Coin Staking Maturity
It takes 100 blocks for the newly minted coins and stake to mature. Coin Staking can only occur once the coins are fully mature. The average reward emission per year is 183,960.

- Total Supply: 10 Million
- Block Reward: 0.35
- Reward Maturity: 100 blocks
- Consensus Algorithm: SHA-256
- First consensus: <1 second
- Average Block Time: <60 seconds
- Last Block Reward: 27,142,858 (50.5 years)
- Tx Fee: $0.001 average
- Network performance: 10 thousand transactions per second


green,2,300]Right now there is an airdrop going on in the project’s discord, where you can get coins aRIA for completing a simple task. This way, without investing, you can earn the minimum amount required for staking and receive passive income!

Pancakeswap (for wRIA bep20)


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